Phil's Vintage Movie Films and Collectibles


ShaMidget1b2small.jpg (54254 bytes) ShaPose94BlueSmall.jpg (29612 bytes)

Click The Thumbnails For Larger Images.

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Sharan and Shalan
Dec. 2005

WillShalanFairWeb1.jpg (189882 bytes)

Will and Shalan at the 2008
Texas State Fair.

ShaShalJul2007web2.jpg (488004 bytes)

Sharan and Shalan
July 1, 2007

Hooters1web.jpg (100231 bytes)

At work

Hooters8Web.jpg (80032 bytes)

ShalanStephWeb2.jpg (79465 bytes)

Stephanie & Shalan

Shalan7aweb.jpg (327791 bytes)

ShalanEurope9a.jpg (532575 bytes)

France 2005

ShalanJan2002b1.jpg (92405 bytes)

ShalanJan2002a2.jpg (113334 bytes)

Liz, Cat & Shalan

ShalanJan2002d1.jpg (108426 bytes)

Mom & Shalan

Family2Dec2002web.jpg (421582 bytes)
December 2002

ShalanNov95a.jpg (475171 bytes)


SharanSnowmanWeb.jpg (308287 bytes)

Sharan and her midget snowman,
Dec. 25, 2004

SharanShalanSnow.jpg (448263 bytes)

Carol4Web1a.jpg (457363 bytes)


ShalanHairWeb2.jpg (403732 bytes)

ShalanMirrorWeb.jpg (471248 bytes)

Shalan Dec. 26, 2004

DunhamsWeb1.jpg (464678 bytes)

With the Dunham's. Dec. 25, 2004

ShalanShawnWeb1.jpg (472632 bytes)

Shalan and brother
Shaun Dunham

In Europe
March 2005

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ShalanEurope2.jpg (338183 bytes)



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ShalanEurope5.jpg (367500 bytes)

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ShalanEurope7.jpg (401421 bytes)

ShalanEurope8.jpg (390514 bytes)

We Love You Shalan
Mom and Phil

ShalanHobo3.jpg (414187 bytes)

Shalan with Hobo, Dec. 26, 2004

Our Cats

CasperTree1.jpg (445338 bytes)

Our First Cat

Hobo3.jpg (299906 bytes)
Hobo 2005

ThreeCats1a.jpg (87783 bytes)

Tiger, Checkers & Spring

Shalan96bWeb1.jpg (522218 bytes)

Shalan with Casper

Sweets3.jpg (202314 bytes)


ShalanLanaWeb.jpg (321560 bytes)

Shalan with Lana

SharanHoboWeb.jpg (443596 bytes)

Sharan with Hobo
Jan. 2004

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